Dear Friends & Bloggellinis who want to stop the slaughter in Gaza: I'm sending this out now for you to act now. The point is, there atually IS a way for Congress to stop the funding of arms to commit war crimes in Gaza -- A Joint Resolution of Disapproval. Good old Bernie is using it to do precisely that. Admittedly, it is the longest of possible shots. But at this point, it is something we can do that is using the laws of our country to stop U.S. support of the slaughter of innocent civilians. PLEASE ACT ON THIS NOW, BY EMAIL OR PHONE. Thank you. Terry If you have already taken this action, Diana, Next week, for the first time, the Senate will vote on directly blocking weapons from being sent to Israel. Your senators need to hear from you now! If you have not sent a message supporting Bernie Sanders Joint Resolutions of Disapproval to end military aid to Israel, now is the time to act. As the Israelis continues to decimate Gaza and its war of aggression in Lebanon continues unabated, Congress must send a message to Israel's leaders that we will no longer give them unquestioning support. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) announced in a Senate speech his plan to file Joint Resolutions of Disapproval (JRD) to block over $20 billion in offensive U.S. weaponry sales to Israel. The JRD is Congress's only means to prevent these arms sales. (Fact Sheet) SEND YOUR MESSAGESenator Sanders is seeking Senate support and cosigners for these resolutions. ( Please take a moment now to send a message to your senators to urge them to cosponsor and support Bernie's resolutions? **Your voice can make a difference.** A sample message is provided for you to send to your senators. You can use it as is, modify it, or write your own. Your message will be delivered automatically. Or you can transmit your message by phone (how to, below). Thank you for your continued support and solidarity with the Palestinian people. Together, we can help end this war and foster lasting peace in the Middle East. SEND YOUR MESSAGEP.S. You can also call your senators to share your message. Find their contact information at |