Tuesday, August 20, 2024


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August 20, 2024



Tix: lesbo-solo.eventbrite.com

(plus an unexpected rave)




2024 San Francisco Fringe Festival



A Gay History Play

Saturday, August 24 @ 12:00pm

Sunday, August 25 @ 3:00pm

277 Taylor Street in San Francisco

Tix: $17.85


I got this audience review of LESBO SOLO on the Exit Theatre website:  

  • "After seeing Terry in Lesbo Solo, I realized that there are so many layers in a person’s personality. Terry lays it all out there with laughs, some history of the beginning of the gay movement, and her commitment and contribution to it. All in all, it was engaging and fun and a great joy to see Terry in a totally different light, than before. It was a fast hour, leaving me wanting more. I highly recommend it." 

I assumed it was from someone who had seen me in HICK  and was surprised at how different the new show was. But when I walked into my local pet store, The Animal Company, on 24th Street, I discovered it was Rick, the owner! He has only known me as the owner of Nikki!  

Nikki tries to guide me into The Animal Company every day, and often succeeds. Yesterday I was welcomed as a conquering hero by Rick and his wife. (I don't remember her name; I only remember Rick's because he signed his review. I'm very bad at remembering names and recognizing faces.)  

To have The Animal Company a few blocks away is a very important and special merchant/customer relationship. A pet store owner is also an adviser. Rick recommended a supplement that actually made Nikki's eyes better.  And, when Loulou left the planet, I felt Nikki needed a new collar to cheer us both up, and The Animal Company had a beautiful selection of embroidered ones from Mexico:

I try to keep Nikki in blue. I do feel it's his color.

Anyhow, I'm so glad that these wonderful people took the time to come to my play. 

Dear Bloggellinnis: I'm doing some rewriting of Lesbo Solo, as is my wont. I'm hoping you can come. Also, I've seen a really good Fringe show.  Homage  has some more performances. I highly recommend it. A solo where the actress plays herself, her mother, and her grandmother. I was captivated by all three characters. It's a story of immigrant survival, the Holocaust, family dynamics. Really a deep piece. Go to theexit.org to get tickets for all Fringe shows. Terry

To see the other Lesbo Solo reviews, click here.   

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

LESBO SOLO Opens! Read the Raves!


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August 13, 2024

Lesbo Solo Takes Flight!

Read the Raves!

Click Here for Tix to Lesbo Solo

August 24 @ 12pm

August 25 @ 3pm

These are some audience reviews in response to....


  • "Just such a beautifully moving and heartwarming personal narrative of lesbian love, defeat, triumph and herstory brilliantly delivered and told through the eyes of a San Francisco playwright and artist. Bring your tissue. You will experience a variety of tears. Thank you, Terry."


  • "A charming, hilarious, illuminating trip through Terry’s personal history, which lines up with cataclysmic changes in feminist and lesbian history in the US. Don’t miss it!"

  • "You will laugh and cry happy catharsis tears. This was my first lesbian history lesson and I want everyone, but especially every bisexual, pansexual, demisexual, queer, lesbian person to see it too."

Thank you so much to my very articulate audience reviewers.


In fact, the show changed since my last blog.

I always had a scene in Lesbo Solo titled "Coming-Out Story." I also had other scenes. Basically, "Coming-Out Story" grew and grew and pushed all the other scenes off the cliff.

It is such an exhilarating experience to commit to opening a show on a certain date -- and then find out in rehearsal that you really did not know what show you were going to open when you signed up!

Thank goodness the title still works. But the subtitle, no. This is not anymore "One Dyke's Life in the Theater." It is now "A Gay History Play."

The fact is I have had quite an amazing life. I have witnessed and made gay history.

Lesbo Solo begins when I am 16 years old, at a time when teachers could be fired if they were rumored to be homosexual. It ends... Well, I won't tell you how it ends. You have to come see the show for that. But I will tell you that the entire audience gasped in amazement.

And, it seems from the reviews, some cried tears of happy catharsis.

So, you lazy bums, (I'm talking to all you Bloggellinis in driving distance of San Francisco)...


Call me crazy, call me old-fashioned, but I prefer to perform to a sold-out house. It's just a weird quirk. And THIS is a small theater. Get your asses down to 277 Taylor, so you can say in the future, "I saw Lesbo Solo in a tiny theater in the Tenderloin in San Francisco when it first opened."


2024 San Francisco Fringe Festival



A Gay History Play

Saturday, August 24 @ 12:00pm

Sunday, August 25 @ 3:00pm


277 Taylor Street in San Francisco


Tix: $17.85


Friday, August 9, 2024



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August 9, 2024


(Click Here 4 Tix 4 8/10 Lesbo Solo)

I know, I know. I told you I would perform "Are You the One?", which involves me running through the audience falling in love and breaking up with one woman after another. I'm not going to do that because, with an absolute time limit of 60 minutes, there's not enough time.

Actually, "Are You the One?" was always a dicey proposition because I was very worried that what was hilarious for a 40- or even 50-year-old actress to do would be pathetic when performed by a 77-year-old actress. Below is a poster from a run of ONE FOOL in Amsterdam, which begins with "Are You the One?"

You can see that's from long ago, because, at the time, you could bring in an audience by using a review that compared you to Woody Allen. Actually, I always thought of Woody Allen as "The heterosexual male Terry Baum." But. as far as I know, he never used that in his publicity. And I certainly would never dignify him with that title now, after all I know about his personal life. My personal life is pristine by comparison -- in its own way. (The fantastic poster is by my friend Lucille Moquette.)

But I digress.

And I also told you I was going to do

a scene where "Terry's mother (a hand puppet) comes back from the dead, to hound Terry to marry her gay male friend so that Mom will have something to brag about in heaven."

I'm not going to do that either.

I DID do some work on that scene. I came up with an idea of Mom singing a song about "naches," which is a Yiddish word that refers to what your children do that you would like to brag about to other parents. Children are supposed to give their parents naches -- that is, things to brag about.

I gave my parents literally no naches when they were alive (until after I confronted my dad and demanded he be proud of me, but I digress.) And I thought it would be very funny to have Mom demand naches in a song. I asked David Hyman, my lyricist, to write the song, and he came up with some great lines:

I want naches

I deserve some naches.

Like my friends should say “hmm

That young lesbo’s done some-

thing to shock us.”

That's just a taste of the lyrics. So I did the work of coming up with an idea, and David did the real work of writing lyrics. And then I realized I did not have time for this scene either. I'm sure I will perform it eventually, but not as part of LESBO SOLO. Also, I'm a little concerned about the "Do not speak ill of the dead" issue. Am I speaking ill of my mom? Should I worry about some old saying that I don't necessarilly believe is true anyhow? Would Mom, who never said a Yiddish word, be insulted to sing about naches? Does she have the ability to curse me from Heaven, which I don't believe in anyhow? I don't have to think about these issues because truly there's no time for the song.

Here's me and Mom from the workshop production of WAITING FOR THE PODIATRIST:

This first Mom puppet was made from an oven mitt by my dear friend Mary Wings, who was the first person to create a gay comic. Sadly, she died on July 3. There is an obituary of Mer in the New York Times.

But I digress.

Anyhow, the other things I said were true. And LESBO SOLO opens tomorrow night. Info on all the performances below. Do come. Terry

2024 San Francisco Fringe Festival



One Dyke's Life in the Theater

Saturday, August 10 @ 7:30pm

Saturday, August 24 @ 12:00pm

Sunday, August 25 @ 3:00pm


277 Taylor Street in San Francisco


Tix: $17.85


Wednesday, August 7, 2024


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August 6, 2024

Stepping into the Unknown

Lesbo Solo Opens Sat. 8/10!

(Click Here 4 Tix)

Saturday, August 10 @ 7:30pm

Saturday, August 24 @ 12:00pm

Sunday, August 25 @ 3:00pm

San Francisco Fringe Festival

277 Taylor Street in San Francisco

Tix: $17.85


Usually, by the time I open a play, I have had so much feedback from other people that I am very certain that the audience will approve of what I have written. But with LESBO SOLO, I'm working without a director, which is very unusual. Even when I'm producing something that I've performed many times for years, I have a director guiding me, as I did when I just had a run of HICK at the Marsh. Now here I am, doing something basically new without that support.

I have gotten a lot of help with the script from Carolyn on Zoom. Even though we're far apart, my long-time collaborator is still necessary to me. But bringing the script to life, I'm pretty much on my own.

Thank goodness my new friend Susan has agreed to be my stage manager. She has been incredibly helpful and hard-working. This is a very minimal show technically. But still there are things to be done, and she is up for doing everything -- and then doing publicity on the side. And Susan's comments on the play have been perceptive and helpful. She's been been such a gift. Thank you, goddess.

But still I'm far more solo than I've been for a long time. And I haven't had enough feedback to say for sure that LESBO SOLO will work as an evening in the theater. I guess I'll find out on Saturday. It's exciting and a bit nerve-wracking. I'm stepping off into the unknown.

This is all reminding me of when I did my solo play IMMEDIATE FAMILY for the first time. It was at the first women's theater festival, in Santa Cruz in 1983. IMMEDIATE FAMILY is about Virginia, at the bedside of her comatose wife, Rosie. She has no legal right to say anything about Rosie's medical treatment because of course they're not married. There were no domestic partners back then either. This is me as Virginia, below. She worked for the Post Office.

I was doing a serious play for the very first time. It was about the need for gay marriage, and I really didn't know if I could pull it off. I thought maybe people would feel ... well, I guess, basically that they couldn't take me seriously. That I was a good comic writer and actor, but I couldn't do serious drama. I really didn't know if it would work

So I performed. And NOBODY LAUGHED. Of course it was a serious play and they weren't SUPPOSED to laugh. That was the whole POINT. But now that they were silent, I had no idea what the hell they thought. I'd never experienced that before. It was my very first time performing my own work without that constant reassurance from

the audience that they were following along and enjoying the show. That was very unsettling. At the end, when people applauded, the lights were totally in my eyes. Usually they bring up the lights on the audience so the actors can see their faces. But this time they didn't. So I couldn't see anyone's expression.

So I went back to my dressing room still wondering if the play worked. In those days, people would often come backstage to the dressing room. Almost nobody does that anymore. But then it was very common. Even people who didn't know the actor, if they were very excited by the performance, would come back to the dressing room. And certainly good friends always did. I enjoyed that.

So I'm waiting for people to come back and tell me what they thought and I'm waiting and waiting. And by that point I'm pretty sure the play is a flop, and people are embarrassed to face me. And then FINALLY Z Budapest, who I had never met, walks in and tells me that I had gotten a standing ovation, which I didn't know because of the lights in my eyes, and IMMEDIATE FAMILY is a huge success! Z is a witch, so maybe she somehow felt my need for her presence. I will always be so grateful to her for coming backstage to congratulate me.

So on Saturday night, I will once again be stepping into the unknown. I hope you can come. But don't come backstage after. You can't do that at the Fringe. Wait outside and we'll go to Little Delhi restaurant, and you can tell me what you thought. Terry

Saturday, August 10 @ 7:30pm

Saturday, August 24 @ 12:00pm

Sunday, August 25 @ 3:00pm

Cutting Ball Theater

277 Taylor Street in San Francisco

Tix: $17.85



Monday, July 29, 2024

My New Play, LESBO SOLO, opens Aug. 10 at the SF Fringe Festival


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July 29, 2024

My new play opens Aug.10!





The 2024 San Francisco Fringe Festival



One Dyke's Life in the Theater

Friday, July 26, 2024

Thanks Nancy Pelosi, No ThanksBernie & AOC


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July 26, 2024

Thanks Nancy Pelosi,

No Thanks Bernie & AOC

& Other Thoughts




In this photo it does appear as if Pelosi is threatening to punch Biden's nose.

But in real life, she was a great deal more subtle.